FITMed24 | Occupational Health | Medical Health Services

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Medicals for Workers

Why and When are Medicals for Workers Carried Out? Medicals for workers are most often required when the working environment poses some sort of health risk to employees. If an employee is going to...

Occupational Health Services

Occupational Health Services Protect Both Workers and their Employers The association between illness and the working environment has long been known, if not always particularly well understood....

Occupational Health Services

How Occupational Health Services and Those of Your GP Differ Among the most likely reasons for the average patient to visit his or her general practitioner is to seek treatment for some minor...

Occupational Clinic

The Evolution of Occupational Health and the Specialised Clinics While most people may assume, and be correct in their belief, that the concept of an occupational health clinic is a comparatively new...